Reading, MI
Discipline Policy
We seek to provide a safe and loving environment for each camper. To make sure of this, we adhere to a set camper discipline policy: 1st offense, verbal warning; 2nd offense, phone call to parents; 3rd offense, dismissal. We also strictly enforce a no-prank-policy.
Dress Code
Camp Selah maintains the following standard for dress code. Any article of clothing which draws undue attention, is unsafe, or is disruptive to the overall Christian camping experience that we strive to uphold will be considered inappropriate. Some examples include, but are not limited to:
Prohibited Items
Cell Phones
All Electronic Devices
Guns, Knives, Weapons of Any Kind
Illegal Drugs
Alcohol & Tobacco
Lost & Found
We will hold a "Lost and Found" parade at the end of each camp session. Any remaining items will be stored through Labor Day weekend, after which items will be donated to a local charity, June's Place in Reading. Help prevent "lost" items by labeling all of your camper's belongings.
Phone Calls Home
Camp Selah has a strict "NO CALL" policy in place: Camper to parent phone calls will only happen in the event of an emergency.
Please do not tell your child that they can call home whenever they want and you will come get them! This is counterintuitive to learning how to cope at camp with homesickness.
Any situation that requires a phone call home, one of our staff members will reach out to the parent or guardian to discuss the matter directly.
Contacting Campers
If, for any reason, a parent needs to reach their child, call the camp office at 517-283-2527 and we will deliver the message.
Please reserve this line for true emergencies!
Parents are encouraged to send letters or emails from home. Send mail: c/o
Camp Selah 3600 Long Lake Rd, Reading, MI 49274 or email
Please keep in mind that mail may take 2-4 days to arrive and mail call happens at lunch.
Family Visitation
For the safety and well-being of the greater camp community, we do not allow parents to visit camp except during evening chapel time and by CALLING AHEAD. We have found that despite the best of intentions, parent visits are usually disruptive to their child's and often other camper's experience at camp. If parents wish to deliver mail they are permitted to do so at the camp office during meal times only--8:45am, 12:45pm, & 5:45pm.
Mid-Week Pickups
Parents should make arrangements for their child to be picked up between 9-10am on the final day of camp. If you determine your camper needs to leave for ball games, family events, etc., PLEASE NOTIFY CAMP STAFF ON OR BEFORE REGISTRATION DAY! Campers will be picked up at the camp office at the specified time.
Be aware; mid-week pickups can disrupt the program and may impact your child's overall camp experience. Consider the positive effects of allowing your camper to stay for the entire duration.